Evansville Airport Gateway Sculpture Unveiling


BobZGatewaySculptureLocal artist, Bob Zasadny was recently honored at an unveiling of his newest sculpture, “Aerial Beauty” at the Evansville Airport Gateway Sculpture Unveiling Celebration on June 22nd at 1:30pm. The groundbreaking program included welcome and introductions from Julie Welch, Keep Evansville Beautiful Executive Director, greetings from the city from Mayor Lloyd Winnecke, and remarks from Mark Miller (Vectren), Donna Leader (Convention and Visitor’s Bureau), Jeff Jobe (Mead Johnson Nutrition), and from the artist, Bob Zasadny.

“The Aerial Beauty represents a community of talented and caring people that have the ability and will to soar to limitless heights.” – Bob Zasadny

“My idea was to connect the flight of birds to the flight of mankind, an age old dream and now a reality. The concepts of the bend in the river, created between the wings, the propellors of planes or ships built here 70 years ago, a Native American weapon or tool as represented by the body, the airlines flying out of here, are slightly hidden but obvious when pointed out.” – Bob Zasadny


Gateway Leaders: Vectren, Toyota, Covention & Visitors Bureau, Mead Johnson Nutrition

Gateway Promoters: Archer Daniels Midland, Alcoa Foundation, Hafer Associates

Gateway Supporters: Evansville Courier and Press, Skanska, Old National Bank, Evansville Regional Airport Authority

Gateway Advocates: Traylor Brothers, Inc., McCutchanville Garden Club, Richard and Rita Eykamp, Deaconess Health System, Sign Crafters, Inc.

Gateway Enthusiasts: Atlas World Group, Bussing-Koch Foundation, Tri-State Aero, Inc., Koch Foundation, Mr. & Mrs. John Cinelli, Joann Schwentker, Milestone Utitly Service, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Chapman, Lincolnshire Garden Club, Dr. and Mrs. Ray Nicholson, Jr., Lamar Outdoor Advertising, Springleaf Finance, Inc., Community Foundation Alliance, Anna & Michael Ennis & Family

Gateway Friends: AXIOM Marketing, Holiday Inn, Niel & Karen Ellerbrook, Neil Chapman, William & Carolyn Clippinger, Wessler Engineering, Inc., Rick Kaskeld, Laurel Vaughn, Donald & Jean Korb, Rolland & Phyllis Eckels, Carol Pettys, John Englebrecht, Carol McClintock, Chandler & Jingle Hagey, Mr. & Mrs. John Henneberger, Jo Frohbieter-Mueller, David Griffith, Diane Foster Igleheart, Norm & Juli Bufunno, Charlotte A. Dahman, Mr. & Mrs. Larry App, Richard & Davie Sue Litov, Betty McDermott, Melvin Peterson, Jon Siau

For more information about Keep Evansville Beautiful, visit www.keepevansvillebeautiful.org or call them at (812) 425-4461. Their offices are located at 209 Main Street, Evansville, IN 47708

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